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Foreign Languages

Brooklyn Amity School celebrates linguistic diversity and cultural enrichment through our Language Club, a captivating year-long program tailored for middle and high school students. This unique opportunity allows students to delve into the captivating worlds of Turkish, Arabic, Russian, and Spanish. Our Language Club fosters a deep appreciation for language, culture, and global communication. Through engaging lessons, cultural activities, and interactive conversations, students not only become proficient in new languages but also broaden their perspectives and deepen their understanding of the world around them. Whether connecting with peers from different backgrounds or exploring new literary horizons, the Language Club empowers students to become effective communicators and global citizens, equipped with a wealth of linguistic and cultural insights.

학생에 대한 비차별 정책 공지

Brooklyn Amity School은 모든 인종, 피부색, 국가 및 민족 출신의 학생들에게 학교에서 일반적으로 부여되거나 제공되는 모든 권리, 특권, 프로그램 및 활동을 허용합니다. 교육 정책, 입학 정책, 장학금 및 대출 프로그램, 운동 및 기타 학교 관리 프로그램 관리에서 인종, 피부색, 국가 및 민족에 근거하여 차별하지 않습니다.


3867 쇼어 파크웨이, 브루클린 NY 11235

전화: +1 (718) 891-6100

팩스: +1 (718) 891-6841 

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