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Helping Hands High School

The Helping Hands Club at Brooklyn Amity School's High School division is a united force of driven individuals on a mission to create lasting positive change in the world. With a deep commitment to social responsibility, we dedicate the 2023-2024 school season to a fundamental purpose - to touch lives through meaningful actions. Our mission encompasses diverse initiatives including orphanage renovation, toy drives, and fundraising for building water wells in underserved communities.

Driven by the belief that collective efforts have the power to transform lives, we strive to be the beacon of hope for those in need. Our efforts go beyond local boundaries as selected students from our club will embark on international volunteer trips to underserved communities, bringing their compassion and enthusiasm to those who need it most.

Our mission extends to every corner of the globe, driven by a fervent desire to make a difference in the lives of others. By collaborating, advocating, and rolling up our sleeves, we aim to improve living conditions, ignite smiles, and foster a sense of global citizenship among our peers. Through our actions, we hope to inspire others to join us, and together, we will build a brighter future for the world's underserved communities. The Helping Hands Club is a testament to the transformative power of compassion, unity, and the unwavering commitment to make the world a better place.

Njoftim i Politikës Jodiskriminuese për Studentët

Brooklyn Amity School pranon studentë të çdo race, ngjyre, origjine kombëtare dhe etnike për të gjitha të drejtat, privilegjet, programet dhe aktivitetet që përgjithësisht u akordohen ose vihen në dispozicion të studentëve në shkollë. Ai nuk diskriminon në bazë të racës, ngjyrës, origjinës kombëtare dhe etnike në administrimin e politikave të tij arsimore, politikat e pranimit, programet e bursave dhe kredive, si dhe programet atletike dhe të tjera të administruara nga shkolla.


3867 Shore Parkway, Brooklyn NY 11235

Telefoni: +1 (718) 891-6100

Faks: +1 (718) 891-6841 

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