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Science Olympiads

At Brooklyn Amity School, we nurture the budding scientists and innovators of tomorrow through our prestigious Science Olympiads program for middle and high school students. This year-long journey is a gateway to explore the realms of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. With unwavering dedication, our students engage in rigorous training, hands-on experiments, and critical thinking exercises, all guided by our experienced faculty.

But it doesn't stop there – our students reach beyond the classroom. They compete in renowned competitions hosted by prestigious institutions such as Harvard and Cornell Universities, putting their skills and knowledge to the test on a grand stage. The Science Olympiads at Brooklyn Amity School go beyond winning accolades; they inspire a passion for discovery, fuel curiosity, and cultivate a love for innovation. Through this program, we empower our students to become future leaders, problem solvers, and pioneers in the world of science.

2022-2023 Finals

Njoftim i Politikës Jodiskriminuese për Studentët

Brooklyn Amity School pranon studentë të çdo race, ngjyre, origjine kombëtare dhe etnike për të gjitha të drejtat, privilegjet, programet dhe aktivitetet që përgjithësisht u akordohen ose vihen në dispozicion të studentëve në shkollë. Ai nuk diskriminon në bazë të racës, ngjyrës, origjinës kombëtare dhe etnike në administrimin e politikave të tij arsimore, politikat e pranimit, programet e bursave dhe kredive, si dhe programet atletike dhe të tjera të administruara nga shkolla.


3867 Shore Parkway, Brooklyn NY 11235

Telefoni: +1 (718) 891-6100

Faks: +1 (718) 891-6841 

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