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Exciting Adventure Ahead: Elementary Kids' Pumpkin Picking & Animal Farm Visit!

Ҷмъ, 13 Окт


Brooklyn Amity School

Get ready for a day of pumpkin picking and farm fun! Elementary kids, an exciting adventure awaits. Stay tuned for details!

Exciting Adventure Ahead: Elementary Kids' Pumpkin Picking & Animal Farm Visit!
Exciting Adventure Ahead: Elementary Kids' Pumpkin Picking & Animal Farm Visit!

Time & Location

13 Окт 2023 08:30 – 14:30

Brooklyn Amity School, 3867 Shore Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY 11235, USA

About The Event

Dear parents and elementary students, get ready for an unforgettable adventure as we take a trip to the pumpkin patch and visit a charming animal farm!

What to Expect:

  • Pumpkin Picking: Embark on a pumpkin-picking adventure as you search for the perfect pumpkin to take home.
  • Animal Farm Visit: Explore an enchanting animal farm, where you'll meet and interact with a variety of friendly animals.
  • Educational Fun: Learn about pumpkins, farm animals, and the wonders of nature through interactive activities.
  • Refreshments: Enjoy tasty treats and drinks to keep you energized during this exciting day.

Why Attend:

  • Create lasting memories with your classmates and friends.
  • Discover the joy of connecting with nature and animals.
  • Embrace the spirit of fall with pumpkin picking and farm fun.

This event is designed to provide our elementary students with a hands-on learning experience and a chance to immerse themselves in the beauty of autumn. It's an opportunity to bond with friends, make new ones, and create cherished memories.

Stay tuned for more details and registration information. We can't wait to share this magical day of pumpkin picking and farm adventures with our elementary kids!

Warm regards,

Brooklyn Amity School

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3867 Шор Парквэй, Бруклин NY 11235

Телефон: +1 (718) 891-6100

Факс: +1 (718) 891-6841 

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