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Family Breakfast & Seminar for Parents

Шнб, 07 Окт


Brooklyn Amity School

"Join us for a special morning! Elementary parents, get ready for a delicious family breakfast and an informative seminar to support your child's education. Details coming soon!"

Family Breakfast & Seminar for Parents
Family Breakfast & Seminar for Parents

Time & Location

07 Окт 2023 10:00 – 13:00

Brooklyn Amity School, 3867 Shore Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY 11235, USA

About The Event

Attention, elementary parents! We're thrilled to invite you to an upcoming event that promises both delicious moments and valuable insights—the Family Breakfast & Seminar.

What to Expect:

  • Family Breakfast: Start your day with a delightful breakfast spread that includes a variety of mouthwatering options to satisfy every palate.
  • Parent Seminar: Join us for an engaging seminar designed to provide you with valuable information and tips to support your child's elementary education journey.
  • Interactive Discussions: Participate in interactive discussions and gain insights into effective parenting strategies and involvement in your child's school life.
  • Q&A Session: Get your questions answered by our experienced educators and fellow parents.

Why Attend:

  • Strengthen your connection with your child's school community.
  • Gain valuable insights and strategies to support your child's education.
  • Enjoy a delicious breakfast in a warm and welcoming environment.

We understand the importance of family involvement in a child's education, and this event is an opportunity for you to connect with other parents, share experiences, and learn together. Whether you have questions about academics, extracurricular activities, or effective communication with teachers, our seminar is designed to address your needs.

Mark your calendars, and stay tuned for further details and registration information. We look forward to sharing this meaningful morning with you and your fellow elementary parents!

Warm regards,

Brooklyn Amity School

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3867 Шор Парквэй, Бруклин NY 11235

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