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Brooklyn Amity School's Elementary Drama Club: Igniting Creativity and Confidence

At Brooklyn Amity School, we are proud to present the Elementary Drama Club, a platform that sparks the imaginations of our young learners and empowers them with the magic of storytelling and performance. 

Our Drama Club, offered twice a year, provides a dynamic space for elementary students to explore their creativity, enhance their communication skills, and boost their self-confidence.

Through engaging workshops and guided activities, students delve into the world of acting, role-playing, and creative expression. 

Led by experienced instructors, our Drama Club participants learn the art of collaboration, problem-solving, and effective communication, all while having a blast on stage.

Whether it's bringing beloved characters to life, improvising scenes, or working on mini-productions, the Drama Club encourages each student to shine in their unique way. 

The club culminates in exciting performances that showcase the students' newfound talents and teamwork. Join us in fostering a love for the performing arts and cultivating a lifelong appreciation for self-expression through the Elementary Drama Club at Brooklyn Amity School.

Огоҳинома дар бораи сиёсати ғайри табъиз нисбати донишҷӯён

Мактаби Бруклин Амити донишҷӯёни ҳама гуна нажод, ранг, пайдоиши миллӣ ва этникиро ба ҳама ҳуқуқҳо, имтиёзҳо, барномаҳо ва фаъолиятҳое, ки ба таври умум ба донишҷӯён дар мактаб дода шудаанд ё дастрас мекунанд, қабул мекунад. Он аз рӯи нажод, ранг, пайдоиши миллӣ ва этникӣ дар идоракунии сиёсати таълимӣ, сиёсати қабул, стипендия ва барномаҳои қарзӣ, варзишӣ ва дигар барномаҳои аз ҷониби мактаб идорашаванда табъиз намекунад.


3867 Шор Парквэй, Бруклин NY 11235

Телефон: +1 (718) 891-6100

Факс: +1 (718) 891-6841 

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