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Math Olympiads

Brooklyn Amity School takes mathematical excellence to new heights with our engaging Math Olympiads program designed exclusively for middle school students. This year-long journey is a thrilling exploration of numbers, patterns, and problem-solving strategies that ignite a lifelong love for mathematics. As part of this transformative experience, our students actively participate in MATH COUNTS competitions, a platform that offers them the chance to showcase their mathematical prowess on a national scale. From the school level to the grand stage of the national competition, our students tackle challenging rounds like Sprint, Target, Team, and Countdown, each designed to test their skills and logical thinking. With every problem solved, they not only grow as mathematicians but also develop resilience, critical thinking, and a competitive spirit. Through the Math Olympiads program at Brooklyn Amity School, we shape young minds into mathematical thinkers and problem solvers, equipping them with the tools to excel both academically and in the real world.

Огоҳинома дар бораи сиёсати ғайри табъиз нисбати донишҷӯён

Мактаби Бруклин Амити донишҷӯёни ҳама гуна нажод, ранг, пайдоиши миллӣ ва этникиро ба ҳама ҳуқуқҳо, имтиёзҳо, барномаҳо ва фаъолиятҳое, ки ба таври умум ба донишҷӯён дар мактаб дода шудаанд ё дастрас мекунанд, қабул мекунад. Он аз рӯи нажод, ранг, пайдоиши миллӣ ва этникӣ дар идоракунии сиёсати таълимӣ, сиёсати қабул, стипендия ва барномаҳои қарзӣ, варзишӣ ва дигар барномаҳои аз ҷониби мактаб идорашаванда табъиз намекунад.


3867 Шор Парквэй, Бруклин NY 11235

Телефон: +1 (718) 891-6100

Факс: +1 (718) 891-6841 

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