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Brooklyn Amity School's Volleyball Club offers a dynamic year-long program tailored for middle and high school students who are passionate about the exhilarating world of sports. Through this engaging platform, students have the opportunity to master the skills and tactics of volleyball, all while fostering teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship. Guided by experienced coaches, participants of all levels enhance their agility, coordination, and communication on the court. Our Volleyball Club not only hones athletic abilities but also instills values of dedication and perseverance. Whether a seasoned player or new to the game, this program provides a supportive environment where students can excel individually and as part of a cohesive team, leaving them with cherished memories and invaluable life skills.

Talabalarga nisbatan kamsituvchi siyosat to'g'risida bildirishnoma

Bruklin Amiti maktabi har qanday irq, rang, milliy va etnik kelib chiqishi bo'lgan o'quvchilarni maktabda umumiy berilgan yoki o'quvchilarga taqdim etilgan barcha huquqlar, imtiyozlar, dasturlar va tadbirlarga qabul qiladi. U o'zining ta'lim siyosatini, qabul siyosatini, stipendiya va kredit dasturlarini, shuningdek, sport va boshqa maktab dasturlarini boshqarishda irqi, rangi, milliy va etnik kelib chiqishiga qarab kamsitmaydi.


3867 Shore Parkway, Bruklin, NY 11235

Telefon: +1 (718) 891-6100

Faks: +1 (718) 891-6841 

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